
Letter from the Manse Family December 2018

Dear Friends,

 On 9 September, I announced my demission as minister of St Andrew’s. Since then we have been busy making arrangements with movers, buying a new car and looking for a new home in Dundee. So far, we have made good progress, but there are still a lot of arrangements to make in order to ‘decouple’ in an orderly way from over 14 years of family life in Brussels.

 Bethany and Karalyn will come home for Christmas and Julie will join us as we celebrate our final Christmas in Brussels together as a family and also with the congregation that we have grown to love over the years.

 The Presbytery of International Charges has appointed Rev Dr Lance Stone, minister of the English Reformed Church, Amsterdam, as the Interim Moderator during the vacancy. Lance will work closely with the Kirk Session and the Nominating Committee, guiding them through the recruitment process to find a new minister.

 Please be assured of our prayers during this time.

 Every blessing for the future,

Andrew, Julie, Bethany and Karalyn Gardner